AB-939 | Cities must meet the requirements of the AB-939 law which requires cities by the year 2000, to diver 50% of the total waste stream from landfills. If cities do not meet the requirement they may be fined. For more information visit the CalRecycle website or click here |
AB-1826 | Cities must meet the requirements of AB-1826 which requires businesses to recycle their organic waste. This law also requires that by January 1, 2016, an organic waste recycling program to divert organic waste generated by businesses including multifamily dwelling (5 units or more) must be implemented. For more information visit the CalRecycle website or click here |
Access Code | An access code is an added measure of security for customer registering for online bill pay. Your access code is available on your invoice. View Sample Invoice |
Administration Fee | Fees that are paid directly to the city for administrative costs |
BBL | Residential Barrel or Cart |
Bin | Commercial Metal Container |
Bulky Item | A bulky item is an item such as furniture, appliance, or mattress. Bulky items are generally items that do not fit inside a trash container. To request a bulky item pick up, please use our easy Bulky Item Form or click here |
C&D | Construction and Demolition Material, such as drywall, concrete, roofing materials, etc. |
CK# RCC PMT | Reoccurring Credit Card Payment |
CPI | Frequently referred to as a “cost of living” – the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the price paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. |
Disposal Fee | Charge per Ton associated with disposing of the material in the container |
Franchise Fee | Fees that are paid directly to the City for city programs. It is a general fund and each city may use it for different purposes. For example, they may use it for a community clean-up or other city programs. Customers may get more information on franchise fee utilization from their local representative |
GL | Gallons |
G/W | Green Waste |
Reactivation Fee | A fee applied to permanent commercial accounts once an account is removed from stop service due to bad debt |
RECY | Recycling |
Resume Fee | A resume Fee or resume service fee is a fee applied to residential accounts once an account is placed on stop, and or canceled due to bad debt |
R/O | Roll Off Container |
SCOUT | Bin Pull Out Service. Generally charged for hard to service locations. Scout truck pulls container to a safe location where trash truck can feasible service without safety risks |
S/W | Solid Waste or Trash |
Utility User Tax | The Utility User Tax or UUT is a general fun revenue source that funds general city services such as police, fire, paramedics, recreation, and library services |
Weekly # P/U: | Represents the number of pickups per week |
YD | Yards |
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