Make your own Earth Commitment by using the following resources to reduce your environmental impact.
Athens Services’ What Goes Where interactive recycling guide features over 350 items and acts as the go-to resource for correctly reducing, reusing, recycling, composting, and disposing of unwanted waste material. Visit
Before you recycle, first consider reuse! Many unwanted, still usable items could have a second life if given the chance. Athens has compiled a list of reuse options including DIY activities; donation options; repair shops; thrift stores; and online giveaway, swap, or sell sites. Visit
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Download our reference list of what is considered recyclable, trash, compostable, and/or hazardous waste.
View, download, and print resources specifically to help tenants further sort their waste. These resources can help property managers maintain disposal areas.
Model Policy Language and Guidance for Local Governments and “Buying Green Guide”
CA Department of General Services (DGS)’s Best Practice Manual for EPPs
Identify Greener Products and Services
Beware of Greenwashing. Ensure environmental claims are not misleading, including standardizing the marketing use of “compostable,” “biodegradable,” and “recyclable.”
It’s important for all of us to take action to reduce our environmental impact. From purchases to traveling, all of our behavior has a significant effect on our communities and the planet.
Calculating your ecological footprint will help you track and better understand how positive daily actions at home and in the workplace can reduce carbon usage. To assist you with this process, we recommend the following calculators for both individuals and businesses. These sites include helpful tips and tools you can utilize to create a gentler footprint:
Small Business Calculator – Company-Wide GHG Inventory for a Small Business.
Site includes climate calculators for households/individuals, small businesses, schools, local government.
Calculate emission savings from using recycled
content materials.
Tracks GHG emission reductions and energy savings from different waste-management practices.
California’s leading authority on recycling, waste reduction, and product reuse
Provides resources, tools, and case studies to help Californians reduce their environmental impact
Largest recycling directory in the U.S. helping consumers find local recycling information and lifestyle tips and ideas
Recycler locator and waste reduction tips
Zero Waste Plan for Los Angeles
We also recommend checking with your local city and DWP websites, libraries, or organizations for additional information on environmental resources, events, incentives, community gardens, and other opportunities to get involved.
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